Borderland Beat posted by pilot
The five peoplewho werefound deadon thepathtoGuachochiTonachiwere cruellytortured. One was in his seventhsemesterofEngineering inSustainable AgricultureTechnological UniversityoftheTarahumara, and anothera formerindigenous governor.
Those affectedwere identifiedwithin hoursof the discovery oftheir bodies.
ThevictimizedwereEliodorsHolguinCaro63,EliodoroHolguinBustillos20-year-old JuanHolguinMoreno60 yearsold,LeoncioHolguinBustillos26 yearsoldand HipolitoCruzHolguin21 yearsold;Allestablishedin the community ofAguaZarcain the town ofGuachochiandwere either brother, cousin, uncle andfather of the student.
Those affectedwere identifiedwithin hoursof the discovery oftheir bodies.
ThevictimizedwereEliodorsHolguinCaro63,EliodoroHolguinBustillos20-year-old JuanHolguinMoreno60 yearsold,LeoncioHolguinBustillos26 yearsoldand HipolitoCruzHolguin21 yearsold;Allestablishedin the community ofAguaZarcain the town ofGuachochiandwere either brother, cousin, uncle andfather of the student.
A version of why these men were killed, is they refused to work with a criminal group.
The state PGR says the violence in the area stems from conflicting criminal groups.
The state PGR says the violence in the area stems from conflicting criminal groups.